Rely on us for everything and realize many benefits
Experience: Go with the confidence you’ve selected a system with an unsurpassed reputation for reliability and excellence in design. No one’s expertise runs deeper than Marrel. We invented the dual-pivot hydraulic hook loader in 1969 and introduced the concept to the U.S. in 1980 with Ampliroll®-branded products.
Convenience: Obtain your equipment, service, financing and training from a single source — Ampliroll. Compatibility of all components is assured. You’ll also appreciate our total focus on your satisfaction that you might miss by relying on multiple suppliers.
Support: Rely on our Ampliroll Engineering Department to provide technical data, drawings and expert assistance with special applications.
Leadership: Put your trust in Ampliroll. We’re continually developing our line of equipment by integrating the newest vehicle-related advancements as well as logistics and maintenance technologies. Today, Ampliroll is one of the nation’s leading providers of hooklift systems.
Selection: Get exactly what you need from Ampliroll, We offer hydraulic hooklifts with capacities from 6,600 lbs. to 60,000 lbs. You’ll also choose from a full range of roll-on-off truck bodies and a complete array of cranes, lifts and other accessories. You could visit one supplier after another to match what Ampliroll offers in a single stop! Financing, too.
Customization: Meet any operational need with Ampliroll. If you don’t see what you’re looking for in a truck body, accessory or combination thereof, just ask. We can engineer and install practically any type of truck-mounted equipment on your hooklift system.
Precision: Forget about the shims or wear pads you may find on competitive products. By using the most up-to-date production processes including laser cutting and robotic welding, Ampliroll eliminates the need for extraneous parts or “make-do” components.
Safety: Your workers will operate Ampliroll’s in-cab controls from the safety of their driver’s seat. Our hook loaders don’t expose them to moving machinery or slippery work surfaces like cable loaders do with their truck side-mounted levers. Of course, our cab-operated controls will help reduce your exposure to costly worker’s compensation claims, too.
Pressurization: Insist on high-pressure (i.e., 5,000 psi) pumps of the type offered by Ampliroll. For reasons of greater performance, they’re the system of choice of 75% of hook loader manufacturers in America and around the world — rapidly taking the place of less-efficient, low-pressure (i.e., 3,000-3,500 psi) alternatives.